At the moment we still have 3 cows, they ar mostly breeded from parents and ancestors of Blonde d'Aquitaine.
The small herd consists of Golda (2000), Julia (2004) and Esther (2004).
In 2006 we hope they bring us 3 healthy calfs again..
Two monuments, in front the oldest cow of the group "Bagger Bonte"
from her we had to say farewell in 2003.
Can we go on?
At the moment "Mette" is the oldest, born in 1999.
with Julia.
again grazing.
How delicious the first grass, now I remeber how it tasted.
Here we are again, for 4 months in the stable, we also like it here.
Unfortunately, we also had to say farewell to our "Gerdien",
She became 14 years old and had a lot of pain on her feet.
Gerdien with daughter Leontien.
I think Vino bull-calf of Mette.
& Atie Aarts, Zeedijk
10, 3329
LC Dordrecht, 078-6165860,