Atie and Laura are being congratulated
by minister of agriculture mr. Veerman. (Hoornaar 2002)
Caroline and Jan became the first place with William.
"The Day of Men and Animal 2005".
ponies, a serious
Grand National "The Day of Men and Animal 2005".
At the second place Paul with Jet.
What's going on in her mind.
A little party after a succesfull show "Hoornaar 2005".
Instructions from Grandfather.
The ponies again in their wintershelter.
In front Herwin van Haïnk.
Ponies in the orchard.
Jan and Caroline shows Jet to the judges.
Paul with Jet and Sophie with Cato. (Hoornaar 2005)
Riding pony Esther and Maike in the wood of Wijngaarden.
Saying goodbye to Thora leaving for Poland.
Thora van de Alloysehoeve.
& Atie Aarts, Zeedijk
10, 3329
LC Dordrecht, 078-6165860,